
Thursday May 06, 2021
Crossed Paws by Marc A Criley
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
There's more than one way to try to save the life of a very good dog.
Published in Shoreline of Infinity 22
Read by RJ Bayley

Monday Jul 15, 2019
Episode Seven
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Greetings Traveller,
Another episode of Shoreline of Infinity's Soundwave is here to hear.
On this installment we've got a story that is both cheerily about those cheeriest of creatures, bumble bees, while also being about how humans in general largely polite anything beyond ever being considered even close to a paradise.
We've also got some poetry in the form of South by Marge Simon and a really wonderful episode of Sonic Space in which sci-fi author Dr. Pippa Goldschmidt and I go merrily meandering through time, discussing World War 2 events and scientist who became death, the destroyer of worlds as well as her own books and writing process. It's well worth forking out for the extended version if I'm being honest, with 20 odd minutes of delicious bonus discourse in there.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we enjoyed putting it together.
~ Director Overtect Verbistect Loquenist Voxtext RJ Bayley
Host, Writer, Producer - Director Overtect Verbistect Loquenist Voxtect RJ Bayley @RJBayley
Producer - Overtect Noel Chidwick @noelchidwick
Music by Tunetect Alex Storer @theLightDreams
Stories curated by Verbis Curate Voxtects Debbie Cannon (@DebsCa) and Jonathan Whiteside (@JA_Whiteside)
Poetry curated by Verbis Curate Russell Jones @RussJonesWrites
The Apple Bee
Written by K.E. Macphee
Narrated by Voxtect Ben Blow @RealityFunds
Written by Marge Simon
Narrated by Voxtect Sue Gyford @SueGyford
All stories & poetry produced by RJ Bayley
Sonic Space
Produced and presented by RJ Bayley
Dr. Pippa Goldschmidt’s writing can be found via her website:
Habitus 1 by Emi James from the EP Social Capital http://bit.ly/HabitusOne, @G_RJohn
Artwork - Illutect Mark Toner @MarkToner
Shoreline of Infinity
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shorelineofinfinity
Twitter: @shoreinf
Facebook: Facebook.com/ShorelineOfInfinity
66.6% of the psychic energy generated by this podcast will be donated to the Survivors of the236th Greyghast/Cyclin Inter-Sector War Fund.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Episode Six
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Welcome Travellers,
In this episode of Soundwave we're keeping it simple. One poem, one story, one interview, one song, minimum waffle from myself.
The reasons for that are twofold. Firstly, I am being brazenly lazy. Secondly, the structure of this episode just doesn't lend itself to my waffling (if you do like my waffle about things like the correlation between sci-fi and cakes [see last episode] then there's still a bit at the end for you). The opening poem, short as it is, effectively lays out why sci-fi is so important and is something of a mission statement for the episode, if not the entirety of Soundwave.
It just didn't seem right to fill the gaps, and frankly nothing needed saying at that point so I've just decided to go straight into our nice, lengthy story that resonates with our own time. Certainly one to walk through your local wooded area to. I'm serious. Save this one up and go for a walk at the nearest convenient forest. You can thank me later.
Then we have a far reaching chat about science and science fiction on Sonic Space this episode between astrophysicist and SF author David L Clements and myself.
You might remember that we featured one of his stories on Episode Five, Something Fishy, narrated by Debbie Cannon.
It just flowed too nicely for me to waffle through. Don't worry though, I'm sure I'll feel the urge to ruin whatever excellent content we have next episode.
While I'm here, we’d really appreciate a kind review on iTunes, or indeed, whatever podcast platform you’re listening via.
~ Director Overtect Verbistect Loquenist Voxtext RJ Bayley
Host, Writer, Producer - Director Overtect Verbistect Loquenist Voxtect RJ Bayley @RJBayley
Producer - Overtect Noel Chidwick @noelchidwick
Music by Tunetect Alex Storer @theLightDreams
Stories curated by Verbis Curate Voxtects Debbie Cannon (@DebsCa) and Jonathan Whiteside (@JA_Whiteside)
Poetry curated by Verbis Curate Russell Jones @RussJonesWrites
Can SciFi Save Us?
Written by Jane Yolen
Narrated by RJ Bayley
The Last Days of the Lotus Eaters
Written by Leigh Harlen
Narrated by Izzy Hourihane
Sonic Space
Produced and presented by RJ Bayley
David L Clements writing can be found via his website:
Phoenix Rising by Turilli / Lione RHAPSODY from the album Zero Gravity (Rebirth And Evolution) on Nuclear Blast. https://www.facebook.com/tlrhapsody @ltrhapsody
Artwork - Illutect Mark Toner @MarkToner
Shoreline of Infinity
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shorelineofinfinity
Twitter: @shoreinf
Facebook: Facebook.com/ShorelineOfInfinity
66.6% of the psychic energy generated by this podcast will be donated to the Survivors of the236th Greyghast/Cyclin Inter-Sector War Fund.

Tuesday May 21, 2019
Episode Five
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Greetings Travellers,
Firstly, allow me to offer my humblest apologies for the tardiness of this episode. An explanation is given in the episode itself, but ultimately, it's all my fault and I am sorry.
Rest assured I'll be doubling down in the near future and putting together another episode for you, the STG, to devour sooner rather than later. This will hopefully negate any time lost to our glorious cause of spreading the healing sounds of SF across the galaxy.
As part of my reparations I offer you this, a bumper episode of SF content of the highest order. We've got two meaty audio stories with fabulous writing and narration for you to get involved in punctuated by some poetry of equally high caliber.
We've also got a Sonic Space with Laura Lam, the fun and intelligent author behind the Micah Grey and Pacifica books.
And if that wasn't trying almost too hard to make up for the timing of this episode, we've also been gifted the experimental synth dreampop of L-Space to play out with.
If you wouldn't mind, please consider subscribing to the Soundwave levels on our Patreon. It really helps continue the production of this show, and as the Patreon grows, I'll be able to turn down unexpected jobs from animation studios because I'm forced to prioritise Soundwave and not the other way around.
The Stella Conlator Guild and our Patreon is still in its early days, but then the Imperium of Man wasn't built in a day.
~ Director Overtect Verbistect Loquenist Voxtext RJ Bayley
Host, Writer, Producer - Director Overtect Verbistect Loquenist Voxtect RJ Bayley @RJBayley
Producer - Overtect Noel Chidwick @noelchidwick
Music by Tunetect Alex Storer @theLightDreams
Stories curated by Verbis Curate Voxtects Debbie Cannon (@DebsCa) and Jonathan Whiteside (@JA_Whiteside)
An Infinite Number of Me
Written by Dan Grace
Narrated by Voxtect Danielle Farrow @DFActing
Written by Peter Roberts
Narrated by Voxtect Ben Blow @RealityFunds
Something Fishy
Written by David L Clements
Narrated by Debbie Cannon @DebsCa
All stories and poetry produced by RJ Bayley www.rjbayley.com
Sonic Space
Produced and presented by RJ Bayley
Laura Lams books can be found via her website: http://www.lauralam.co.uk/
Morning Traffic Overhead by L-Space from the album Music forMegastructures on Last Night From Glasgow. https://www.l-space.co.uk/ @LSpace_Band
Artwork - Illutect Mark Toner @MarkToner
Shoreline of Infinity
Twitter: @shoreinf
Facebook: Facebook.com/ShorelineOfInfinity
66.6% of the psychic energy generated by this podcast will be donatedto the Survivors of the 236th Greyghast/Cyclin Inter-Sector War Fund.

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Episode Four
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019

Monday Apr 01, 2019
Episode Three
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Greetings Traveller,
in this instalment we're fleshing out the S that stands for 'speculative' in 'speculative fiction', as our poem and short story show us opposite sides of the great divide between life and death.
Also as a special treat we're proud to present you with a sonic experience that's well worth cracking out your posh headphones for. Our audio drama, Republic of David presents a scenario akin to hell, or possibly heaven if you're extremely far along the narcissism scale.
Our music this week is a dark synthwave piece that serves as the closing music to both the audiodrama and the podcast itself, so perfectly does it lend itself to both situations.
If you appreciate the extra effort of the podcast, could I encourage you to look at the Soundwave specific levels on our Patreon? It's less than a big cup of coffee.
In fact, why not go to your favourite coffee shop, listen to this with a brew, and marvel at how comparatively inexpensive our Soundwave Patreon levels are compared with what you've just ordered? Perhaps even become a Chrono Receptor or Receptor Interrolyst while you're there and know you can head back the next week and make it a tradition... mmmmmmmm coffee and sci-fi...
~ Director Overtect Verbistect Loquenist Voxtext RJ Bayley
Host, Writer, Producer - Director Overtect Verbistect Loquenist Voxtect RJ Bayley @RJBayley
Producer - Overtect Noel Chidwick @noelchidwick
Music by Tunetect Alex Storer @theLightDreams
Story and poem curated by Verbis Curate Voxtects Debbie Cannon and Jonathan Whiteside
The Grief of Apollo
Published in Shoreline of Infinity 8½ - Edinburgh International Book Festival Edition
Written by Jo Walton
Narrated by Voxtect Izzy Hourihane
Produced by RJ Bayley
Published in Shoreline of Infinity 2
Written by Michael Fontana
Narrated and Produced by RJ Bayley
Republic of David
Original story published in Shoreline of Infinity 2
Writer - Anton Rose
Adapted for audio by Jonathan Whiteside @JA_Whiteside
David - Johnathan Whiteside
Technician - Voxtect Danielle Farrow @DFActing
Loudspeaker Voice - RJ Bayley
Sound Design - RJ Bayley rjbayley.com
Co-Produced by RJ Bayley and Noel Chidwick
Perturbator’s Theme by Perturbator from the album Dark Days, courtesy of The Noise Cartel http://www.perturbator.com/
Artwork - Illutect Mark Toner @tonertweets
Shoreline of Infinity

Friday Mar 15, 2019
Episode Two
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Back Into the Light (Alternative Mix) from Back Into the Light
Nocturnal from Prototype
Decay from Remnants From A Lost Time
Construct from Infinity of Space
Vanguard from Prototype

Friday Mar 01, 2019
Episode One
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Welcome, Traveller, to this first proper episode of the Shoreline of Infinity podcast Soundwave.
In this opening episode we've got superior science fiction from across the art forms.
Our spoken word this week is linked by death and starlight.
We've got the haunting and poignant story The Starchitect, written by Barry Charmon and narrated by Sue Gyford.
That's followed by some sci-fi poetry in the form of the deceptive Starscape by JS Watts, narrated by Debbie Cannon.
Sonic Space makes its debut, hosted by me, RJ Bayley, in which I'm interviewing the award winning author Anne Charnock.
We're also rounding the episode off with some Japanese SF inspired music as we open the Nuclear Blast doors and listen to one of the giants of symphonic metal.
However you choose to listen to this episode, I hope you love it as much as I do. Probably won't though, I put it together.
~ Director Overtect Verbistect Loquenist Voxtext RJ Bayley
Host, Writer, Producer - Director Overtect Verbistect Loquenist Voxtext RJ Bayley @rjbayley
Producer - Overtect Noel Chidwick @noelchidwick
Music - Tunetect Alex Storer @theLightDreams
The Starchitect
Published in Shoreline of Infinity 8
Written by Barry Charman @BarryCharman
Narrated by Voxtect Sue Gyford @SueGyford
Published in Shoreline of Infinity 6
Writter by JS Watts
Narrated by Verbis Curate Voxtect Debbie Cannon @DebsCa
Sonic Space
Produced and presented by RJ Bayley
Anne Charnock's work can be found at annecharnock.com @annecharnock
Crimson Bow and Arrow by Epica from the EP Epica vs. Attack on Titan Songs, courtesy of Nuclear Blast www.epica.nl
Artwork - Illutect Mark Toner @tonertweets
Shoreline of Infinity
Twitter: @shoreinf
Facebook: facebook.com/ShorelineOfInfinity/
66.6% of the psychic energy generated by this podcast will be donated to the Survivors of the 236th Greyghast/Cyclin Inter-Sector War Fund.

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Episode Zero
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Welcome traveller, to Episode Zero of Soundwave, a science fiction podcast brought to you by Shoreline of Infinity.
We thought we'd give you a Christmas treat before the first season kicks off proper in January.
In this episode you can hear what will be backbones of the podcast with audio stories, as well as a festive audio drama by our own dramatists, the Infinitesimals.
I your host, RJ Bayley, invite you to strap on your very finest pair of headphones, pour yourself your favourite drink and pull up your comfiest armchair next to the most questionably large fire you can build, and join us for the start of something most excellent.
If you celebrate Christmas, have a very merry one, and if you don't, please accept our wishes with the sentiment which they're meant, from your new SF friends, Soundwave.
~ RJ Bayley
Host, Writer & Producer - RJ Bayley @RJBayley
Producer - Noel Chidwick @noelchidwick
Music - Alex Storer @theLightDreams
Keeping the Peace
Published in Shoreline of Infinity 9
Writers - Catriona Butler & Rob Butler
Narrator - Debbie Cannon @DebsCa
A Choice for the Golden Age
Published in Shoreline of Infinity 10
Writer - Matthew Castle
Narrator - Danielle Farrow @DFActing
ATU334 The Wise
Published in Shoreline of Infinity 10
Writer - Majira Smits
Narrator - Izzy Hourihane
Published in Shoreline of Infinity 3
Writer - Guy Stewart
Narrator - RJ Bayley
Other Colours
Published in Shoreline of Infinity 6
Writer - Michael F Russell
Adapted for audio by Jonathan Whiteside @JA_Whiteside
Voice actor - Johnathan Whiteside
Voice actor - Ben Blow @RealityFunds
Voice actor - Debbie Cannon
Sound designer & Producer - RJ Bayley
Sound designer & Producer - Noel Chidwick
Artwork - Mark Toner
Shoreline of Infinity
Twitter: @shoreinf
Facebook: facebook.com/ShorelineOfInfinity/
66.6% of the psychic energy generated by this podcast will be donated to the Survivors of the 236th Greyghast/Cyclin Inter-Sector War Fund.